A tapping privilege fee is a charge made when utility service is initially run from the main line to the customer’s property line. The customer MUST pay the entire tapping fee at the time of application. A residential or commercial/industrial tap shall entitle a customer to utility service for one and only one dwelling or business.
Water Tap Fees
3/4 Inch Meter
1 Inch Meter
2 Inch Meter
4 Inch Meter
6 Inch Meter
Tap Fees are Effective as of Nov 1, 2022
If upgrading from one meter size to another requires an additional new tap, a new water tap fee will be required. Moving a water meter from one location on the property to another will also require a new tap fee.
Multiple connections to the same tap are a violation of Tennessee State Regulations and SVUD policy. SVUD will charge the customer an additional minimum bill for each additional dwelling.
Application Fee
There will be an application fee of $25.00 if you are buying your home.
There will be an application fee of $100.00 if you are renting your home.
Returned Check Fee
If a customer’s check is returned to SVUD by a financial institution for any reason, the maximum fee set by TCA 47-29-102 of $35.00 will be added to the amount due. The customer has to pay the amount due in full including all service charges and late fees by money order, cashier’s check or cash. No checks will be accepted. Any Customer with 2 or more return checks MUST pay their monthly bill by Cash or Money Order for 1 year.
Reconnect Fee/After-Hours Reconnect Fee
After-Hours Reconnect Fee – Additional $20.00
If bill remains unpaid 10 days after the due date your service is liable for disconnection by placing a lock on the water meter. A message will be sent in advance if your cell phone or email is on file before disconnection. No further notice will be given and an applicable reconnect fee must be paid before service is restored.
All late payments must be paid the day before disconnection to prevent your service from being listed for disconnection. Any accounts with late payments not received on this day must pay the reconnect fee.
Final Notice/Late Penalty Fee
All bills are due and payable by the due date issued unless the due date is on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, in which case the bill is due on the next business day after the due date. A 10% penalty fee will be added to your account the following day. You will receive a monthly bill. NO OTHER NOTICES WILL BE SENT.
Re-read Meter Fee
Any customer who questions the accuracy of the meter reading on their bill may request SVUD to re-read the meter for a fee.
Tamper Fee
Customers stealing water, removing, cutting or otherwise tampering with a lock will be charged a Tamper Fee of $100.00 per occurrence. Any customer, who turns their own water on after it has been disconnected for delinquency, is subject to prosecution.