We Are Usually Asked About

What are the fees and charges for water service?

All fees and charges can be found here.

How do I apply for water service?

customer application formpayment information form, and cross connection survey must be completed along with a copy of a valid drivers license.  Forms can be emailed to office@svud.org.  There is an application fee required depending on whether you own or rent the structure. If you have purchased or own your home, email or fax a copy of the settlement statement, purchase agreement, or the warranty deed. If you are renting your home, email or fax a copy of the first page of the rental agreement.  You may apply in person at our office as well.

Why do I receive a bill even though I have not used any water?

As long as the account is active, a minimum charge will be assessed at each billing period. The minimum bill reflects each customer’s share of the overhead to operate the system. By keeping the account active, the customer can demand service at any time and therefore must share in the costs.

I have not received a bill. Is my payment still due?

Failure to receive a Bill does not release you from the obligation to pay for Water Service. Please contact the office at (423) 344-8440 to determine the amount due.

Can I pay my bill online or with a credit card?

You can by phone at 877-225-9268, online or in the office using your credit card. Create an account to view your bill, payment history and to pay online using online bill pay.

Does SVUD provide a discount for the amount of water used when filling my swimming pool?

No, all water used through a meter is charged at regular rates.

Where is my water meter?

Most water meters can be found along the front edge of the property along the road. However, some meters may be in a neighbor’s yard or field. If you can not locate your meter, call us for assistance.

What do I do if I think my meter was misread?

Call SVUD to receive your current meter reading. Take this reading and verify that your meter is reading correctly. If not, schedule a reread on your meter. There will be a Reread Meter Fee if the meter was read correctly. You will be contacted with the results upon completion.

How can I use my water without being charged sewage?

The only way to not be charged for sewage is to have a separate water meter specifically for sprinklers or outdoor use. An additional tap fee and monthly bill will be required. This only applies to homes that are charged for sewage.

How do I turn off my water?

SVUD recommends each customer install their own shut-off valve somewhere in their Service Line. The shut off valve located in the Meter Box resembles a stove knob. If for some reason this valve will not turn or is broken call us for assistance.

I have an agricultural meter and do not want to be charged during the winter months when it is not being used.

Contact SVUD and request this meter to be disconnected. However, a reconnect fee will be required to turn the meter back on.

I had water earlier, but now my meter is turned off and locked with a round lock?

Generally customers will be “cut-off” for Non-Payment. Your current bill must be paid along with a reconnect Fee to continue service. Please call the office to determine exactly why your service has been interrupted.  We only turn water service back on for “cut-off” between the hours of 7-9 pm.  You can call and leave a message anytime after 4 pm for a return call between the hours of 7-9 pm.

Who do I contact if my sewer is not working correctly?

All sewer related inquires should be sent to Hamilton County Water & Waste Treatment Authority (HCWWTA) at (423) 209-7842.