Complaints concerning the availability of service, the quality of service performed, the amount of a bill, and all other complaints may initially be made to any regular clerical employee in the District’s office or to the District’s General Manager. The General Manager or Controller is authorized to resolve all complaints and/or authorized to designate appropriate office or field staff to handle routine complaints.

If the complaint is one which the General Manager or Controller is not authorized to resolve or if the action concerning the complaint is unacceptable to the Customer, the Customer may request a review by the Board of Commissioners.

At the Customers request, the General Manager or Controller shall schedule the complaint for consideration at the next board meeting and shall inform the Customer of the time and place of the next meeting.

When a Customer or complaining party appears at a Board meeting to make a complaint without previously submitting the complaint to the General Manager or Controller, the Board may require the complaining party to present the complaint to the General Manager or Controller, so the Board may be fully informed of the facts before resolving the complaint. In its discretion, however, the Board may hear and act upon such a complaint when presented.

If the complaint is not handled to the satisfaction of the Customer by the General Manager, Controller or the Board of Commissioners, the Customer has thirty days from the date of the Board meeting where the complaint was last heard in which to file a written complaint with the Utility Management Review Board (UMRB). The UMBR is a state wide Board set up, in part, to hear legitimate Customer complaints. They will refuse to hear any complaint that has not first been presented to the utility governing Board.

Information about UMRB hearings or procedures may be handled by phone: (615) 532-0472

Written complaints may be mailed to the UMRB at the following address:

Joyce Welborn

Utility Management Review Board

 505 Deaderick Street, Suite 1600

James K. Polk State Office Building

Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1402